Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief)
Ball Hockey LeagueCentral Huron Adult Men's and Women's ball hockey league. For more information contact Central Huron Facilities Department.
Beta Sigma Phi, GoderichGoderich International women's friendship network that provides educational programs to its members and opportunities for social interaction. Cultural information also available. Meetings twice a month.
Clinton & District Kinette Club, Clinton Kinsmen HallClinton Local service club that funds local projects. Support cystic fibrosis (CF) research. Enhance the quality of life in the communities by promoting service, fellowship, positive values and national prid ...
Dashwood Men's ClubBluewater Meetings on fourth Mon of the month at 7 pm.
Exeter Masters Men's Senior Soccer Club, Exeter, Exeter Masters Men's Senior SoccerSouth Huron Men's recreational soccer club
Family Services Perth-Huron, StratfordStratford Open for counselling and supports by phone, virtually and in person. Call office for intake. Non-profit, community based, family service agency that supports, strengthens and enriches individual, cou ...
Family Services Perth-Huron, Stratford, Support Services for Male Survivors of Sexual AbuseStratford Offers support services and trauma counselling to help survivors deal with the impact of abuse and to develop improved coping strategies. * Partner agency of Support Services for Male Survivors of Se ...
Festival Sounds ChorusStratford Festival Sounds Chorus is a member of Sweet Adelines International, a worldwide organization of women singers. We are committed to advancing the musical art form of barbershop harmony through educati ...
Goderich Kinette Club, Goderich - Mailing Address OnlyGoderich Local service club that funds local projects. Support cystic fibrosis (CF) research. Promote service, fellowship, positive values and national pride. Support many facilities, programs and services in ...
Hensall & District Kinette Club, Hensall - Mailing Address OnlyHensall Local service club that funds local projects, supports cystic fibrosis (CF) research, and enhances the quality of life in the communities by promoting service, fellowship, positive values and nationa ...
Hospital for Sick Children, Adolescent MedicineToronto Eating Disorders Program * for children and youth 8-18 years * diagnosis and treatment * inpatient, day hospital and outpatient programs * family education Substance Abuse Day Treatment Program and O ...
Huron Perth District Women's Institute, Perth and Huron County - Mailing AddressListowel Rural women's service club that provides opportunity to broaden the scope of their knowledge and abilities through meetings, sometimes with guest speakers. Also helps and identifies needs in the comm ...
Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance, Seaforth - 28 Centennial Dr, Mental Health ServicesHuron East Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance (HPHA) satellite offices offer the following Outpatient Mental Health programs and services: * Crisis Intervention Program * Mobile Crisis Rapid Response Program * Tra ...
Huron Turning Point, Mailing Address OnlySouth Huron 6 bed transitional housing program for men in Exeter
Huron-Perth Centre for Children and Youth, ClintonCentral Huron The Huron-Perth Centre is the Lead Agency for child and youth mental health service planning and service delivery. An accredited community-based children's mental health centre that provides timely a ...
Huron-Perth Centre for Children and Youth, ListowelNorth Perth The Huron-Perth Centre is the Lead Agency for child and youth mental health service planning and service delivery. An accredited community-based children's mental health centre that provides timely a ...
Huron-Perth Centre for Children and Youth, StratfordStratford The Huron-Perth Centre is the Lead Agency for child and youth mental health service planning and service delivery. An accredited community-based children's mental health centre that provides timely a ...
Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Exeter, Lodge 67Exeter * Fraternal service club * Supports local humanitarian services * Donations go to Camp Trillium * Focus on helping local organizations such as hospital, Big Brothers and Sisters, Royal Canadian Legio ...
IODE- Maple Leaf Chapter, GoderichGoderich National women's charitable service club organization. Mission is to improve the quality of life for individuals through educational support, social service and citizenship programs.
Kin Canada, Clinton Kinsmen Hall, Clinton & District KinsmenClinton * Local service club * Do community fund-raising and service projects
Kin Canada, Belgrave Community Hall, Kinsmen Club of BelgraveNorth Huron Local service club active in community fund-raising and service projects * donations to Cystic Fibrosis * raises money for community betterment
Kin Canada, Goderich Kinsmen ClubGoderich * Local service club that does community fund-raising and service projects * Support many facilities, programs and services in the Goderich area including Bannister Park, multiple minor sports teams, ...
Kin Canada, Hensall, Kinsmen Club of Hensall & DistrictHensall Local service club. Community fund-raising and service projects
Knights of Columbus, Goderich, Goderich Father Nagle Council 5420Goderich Catholic men's fraternal service club that is committed to the exemplification of charity, unity, fraternity, patriotism, and defense of the priesthood. Group works to raise money for registered char ...
Majestic Women's Institute, Huron East - Brussels LibraryHuron East Rural women's service club with the mandate to 'educate and promote personal growth'.  Provides members with an opportunity to broaden the scope of their knowledge and abilities through meetings ...
Masonic Lodge, GoderichGoderich Fraternal mens' organization that does community fundraising for local charities.  Purpose is to teach morality, encourage charity and practice worldwide brotherly love.  Meetings held at G ...
Masonic Lodge, Carlow, Morningstar Clinton #309Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh Fraternal mens' organization with the purpose to teach morality, encourage charity and practice worldwide brotherly love.
Men's Probus Club of Grand Bend and Area 53, Grand Bend, Men's Probus Club of Grand Bend and AreaGrand Bend Local association of retired and semi-retired professional, business and like-minded people. Social and recreational club with speakers and social outings.
North Huron Soccer and AOS Field Hockey Club, Goderich Women's Soccer / AOS Field Hockey ClubGoderich Competitive women's soccer team
Ontario. Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services. Support Services for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse ProgramToronto Information and referral to community support services to meet long term needs including crisis and follow-up services Member agency of Support Services Network for Male Survivors in Ontario ...
Royal Canadian Legion, Goderich, Goderich Branch 109 - Ladies AuxiliaryGoderich Ladies volunteer auxiliary dedicated to supporting Legion activities through fundraising efforts.
Seaforth Harmony KingsHuron East Any man who loves to sing or would like to learn is welcome at the Tuesday evening rehearsals at Seaforth Public School * Sponsor an annual evening of music each fall * The Barbershop Harmony Society ...
South Huron Ladies Slo-Pitch, ExeterSouth Huron Ladies Slo-Pitch league offered through the South Huron Recreational Centre (Exeter Recreational Centre). Year end tournament weekend after Labour Day.
Walton Women's Institute, Huron East - No Physical AddressHuron East Rural women's service club whose mandate is to 'educate and promote personal growth'. Provides members with an opportunity to broaden the scope of their knowledge and abilities through meetings, some ...
Wingham Knights of Columbus CentreWingham Community Centre and Banquet hall - 2 rooms available (1 room holds 500 people, 2nd room holds 60), meetings, fundraising dances, charity days, hosts blood donor clinics for the region.
Women's Probus Club #117 of Grand Bend & Area, Grand Bend, Women's Probus Club of Grand Bend & AreaGrand Bend Probus is a local 100 members and national and international association of retired people who come together in non-political, non-sectarian, non-profit, autonomous clubs which provide regular opport ...