Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief)
dp Music TherapyCentral Huron Music therapy services available for rehabilitation (language, fine and gross motor) include skill development (communication, cognitive, motor), behavioural management, emotional expression. Speciali ...
Mary Hansen & Associates: Consulting Service - Rehabilitation , Vocational and Return to Work, No Physical AddressGoderich Independent/private casefile management/consulting services: * Medical/rehabilitation consulting and assistance for families of; seniors, adults, and youth, where navigating and management are requir ...
REACH HuronCentral Huron REACH Huron is an education and event centre located in Clinton, ON. REACH offers equine clinics, special events and horse shows throughout the year. Facilities offered for rent include: * indoor agri ...
St John Ambulance, Hanover Training Centre, Grey Bruce Huron BranchHanover Training and service organization provides First Aid and CPR Training. Public and industry training that meets WSIB workplace standards. Branch locations in Hanover and Owen Sound. Courses available: ...
The McKinnon Centre, Mailing AddressStratford Counselling and psychotherapy for grief, loss, bereavement, anxiety, depression, fears/phobias, stress management, achieving goals, smoking cessation, changing habits. Hypnotherapy, CBT (cognitive be ...
TVCC, Stratford, Child and Youth Rehabilitation Services, StratfordStratford Rehabilitation centre for children and youth with physical, communication or developmental needs. Assists to help reach their potential for independence, self-esteem, and participation in society: * a ...