Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief)
CMHA Thames Valley Addiction and Mental Health Services - Huron County Sites, Exeter, Community Mental Health Services - ExeterSouth Huron For intake and non-emergency mental health information, call 519-235-0335. Call Huron Perth Helpline 1-888-829-7484 for immediate mental health and/or addiction support. Offering non-essential servic ...
CMHA Thames Valley Addiction and Mental Health Services - Huron County Sites, Goderich, Community Mental Health Services - GoderichGoderich For intake and non-emergency mental health information, call 519-440-0450. Call Huron Perth Helpline 1-888-829-7484 for immediate mental health and/or addiction support. Offering non-essential servic ...
Hospital for Sick Children, Adolescent MedicineToronto Eating Disorders Program * for children and youth 8-18 years * diagnosis and treatment * inpatient, day hospital and outpatient programs * family education Substance Abuse Day Treatment Program and O ...
Huron Health System - Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich - Huron Rd, Huron Perth Clinical Intensive Case ManagementGoderich The Clinical Intensive Case Management provides time limited, goal specific in home community treatment and support to individuals experiencing mental health and addiction issues. The program focusses ...
Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance, Mental Health Services - Huron Perth Assertive Community Treatment Team, Seaforth - 28 Centennial DrHuron East Huron Perth Assertive Community Treatment Team services include: * long-term goal specific treatment in the client's home and community * medication issues help * relapse prevention * recreation * vo ...
Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance, Mental Health Services - Huron Perth Seniors Mental Health Program, Seaforth - 28 Centennial DrHuron East Assessment and treatment provided for older adults experiencing depression, anxiety, confusion, cognitive impairment and changes in behaviour. Services are time limited and include community treatmen ...
Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance, Seaforth - 28 Centennial Dr, Mental Health ServicesHuron East Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance (HPHA) satellite offices offer the following Outpatient Mental Health programs and services: * Crisis Intervention Program * Mobile Crisis Rapid Response Program * Tra ...
Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance, Seaforth - 28 Centennial Dr, Prevention and Early Intervention Program for PsychosesHuron East The Huron Perth Prevention and Early Intervention Program for Psychoses (PEPP) provides assessment and treatment planning for individuals 16-35 years of age who are displaying their first episode of ...
North York General Hospital, Toronto - Phillips House, Child and Adolescent Eating Disorders ProgramToronto Services to treat eating disorders for children and youth * outpatient program including assessment, diagnosis and treatment * day program including medical, nutritional and mental health care; academ ...