Huron County Economic Development, Summer Company Program | Goderich |
Summer Company Program aims to inspire young people to choose entrepreneurship as a career and give them the tools they need to succeed. Designed for students aged 15-29 who are going back to school. ... |
Huron County. Municipal Office, Clinton - Jacob Memorial Building, Ontario Works | Central Huron |
Ontario Works is an Ontario-wide program that provides income support to assist with the cost of basic needs like food, clothing and shelter, as well as health benefits for people in temporary financ ... |
Leads Employment Services, Stratford, Integrated Employment Services, Stratford | Stratford |
Employment resources and coaching to find sustainable employment in Ontario assessment of skills, interests and abilities job search strategies and support, including resume development and interview ... |
Partners in Employment, Exeter, Employment Resource Centre, Exeter | South Huron |
Open by appointment - phone or video call. Services available: * walk-in job search centre * access to computers, fax, photocopier and telephone * free Internet access * resource materials, job board ... |
Partners in Employment, Goderich, Employment Resource Centre, Goderich | Goderich |
Open by appointment - phone or video call. Services available: * job development and job support for persons with employment barriers * provides resources to help people obtain and maintain employmen ... |