Aura Freedom International | Toronto |
Organization working to end violence against women and human trafficking through advocacy and education * access to referrals, resources, support, and safety planning information for survivors of gen ... |
Huron Women's Shelter, Second Stage Housing & Counselling Services, Huron Women's Shelter | Goderich |
Emergency Shelter Offers emergency residence for women and their children who are experiencing gender based violence. Services are provided at no cost. A 24 hour accessible facility with 8 bedrooms a ... |
Ontario Parole Board, Victim Support | Toronto |
Independent, quasi-judicial agency is one of five tribunals in the Safety, Licensing Appeals and Standards Tribunals Ontario (SLASTO) cluster. Ontario Parole Board is responsible for provincial parole ... |
Ontario. Ministry of the Attorney General, Goderich Court House, Victim / Witness Assistance Program | Goderich |
Provides information and assistance to support participation in and understanding of the criminal court process * services begin once police have laid charges and continue until the court case is over ... |
The Salvation Army, Goderich/Clinton, Goderich - 303 Suncoast Dr E, Correctional and Justice Services and Community Alternatives for Youth | Goderich |
Based on Restorative Justice Principels we provide the Youth Justice Committee , Extra-Judicial Measures, Extra-Judicial Sanctions, other Counselling, and Reintegration Programs for Youth. Community S ... |
Victim Services Huron Perth, Victim Crisis Assistance Ontario | Central Huron |
Victim Quick Response Program+ (VQRP+) - program of last resort where no other available private or public resource is available. Victim Crisis Assistance Ontario - On-site early intervention and cri ... |